SouthPeak games has announced a new next-gen and PC hack 'n' slash going by the name of X-Blades.
The premise? Well, there's this anime-type chick called Ayumi, right? She has to fight demonic hordes, right? She does it using "pistol blades", acrobatics and magic? There are "anime-style cut scenes"?
Seems like a good idea to SPOnG. After all, the letter 'X' makes things edgy, dunnit? And blades are... well, edgy...
It also sounds like someone might have thought, 'hey, Heavenly Sword and Devil May Cry did pretty well, let's mush them together!' But, it does feature a lady wearing short armoured chaps, so we're all in favour of it. Also, if people didn't think, "What happens if we mix X with B?" then we wouldn't have cheese and onion crisps would we? No.
We're also withholding all objective opinion until we've reviewed the game.
“The unique anime-style backdrop combined with high-octane, multi-discipline combat gameplay really pushes X-Blades into brand new territory”, utters Melanie Mroz, CEO of SouthPeak Games. “The 3rd-person ‘hack-em-up’ genre needs a fresh perspective and X-Blades is poised to deliver it.”
Check out the first screens below, see what you reckon. X-Blades is due in late 2008.