Ubisoft's Lost the Video Game: Trailer

Launch trailer inside

Posted by Staff
Ubisoft's Lost the Video Game: Trailer
This Friday will see the PS3 and Xbox 360 release of one of the biggies of licenses in the gaming world. That would be ABC TV's Lost, put into interactive form by the good folks over at Ubisoft. To celebrate, Ubi has thrown this trailer our way with the velocity of a plane carrying a fat chap dropping from the sky...

SPOnG put Lost in the PS3 yesterday and had a bit of a tinker. Oh, what times we had! We followed our dog around the jungle for a bit (one SPOnGer won't admit it, but he couldn't complete that mission); we chatted to some other Robinson Crusoe types on the beach, we did a bit of wiring. In fact, we think the game will probably perfectly encapsulate the nature of the show. Take that how you will...

For more on the game, check out SPOnG's dedicated game page.



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