Winged Nastiness in Ninja Gaiden II

New video inside

Posted by Staff
While we've seen a fair number of ugly-looking nasties in previous trailers for Ninja Gaiden II, Microsoft hasn't taken us this far down yet.

In the video below, released to coincide with Microsoft's showcasing of Ninja Gaiden II at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco, you'll see Ryu running around The Temple of Sacrifice (oh yes, temple names don't come much creepier), located under a ceiling of rock as ugly winged things do their flappy thing around him.

"Submit or die", he's told, in a sentiment reminiscent of a certain race of techno-organic imperialists from Star Trek.

You can see more in the footage and screens below. When you're done, turn to SPOnG's Ninja Gaiden II game page for further assorted news, trailers and screens.


SuperSaiyan4 21 Feb 2008 12:55
Cant wait for this game thank Microsoft for the best games console ever! Xbox 360!

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Daz 21 Feb 2008 13:35
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Cant wait for this game thank Microsoft for the best games console ever! Xbox 360!

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NO!, but I will join in waiting for NG2
James 21 Feb 2008 22:52
This game really puts devil may cry4 to shame, the effort seems 100x that of DMC4. (which I have completed and re-sold all within 7 days which is probably the time it took to make the actual game)

Ninja gaiden 2 will most likely be the best fighting adventure game in the world.

and with recent tecmo games being region free we also don't have to worry about the morons at the bbfc or daily mail brigade banning it cos we can just import it.
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