Silver PS3 Heading for Japan

Silver DualShock 3 controller to join it

Posted by Staff
Sony is set to release a shiny new version of the PS3 in Japan. This time, the Japanese are getting 'Satin Silver' SKU.

The unit will retail at ¥39,980 (£190). At that price you'll get the standard Sixaxis controller. If Japanese gamers want a bit of rumble they'll be able to get a similarly silver DualShock 3 controller for ¥5,500 (£26).

Barring the colour, the specifications for the Silver PS3 are exactly the same as those of the 40GB model already available in Japan.

Japan has also been treated to a 'Ceramic White' version of the 40GB PS3 - a model we won't be getting in Europe, for the time being at least.

Eagle-eyed readers will have picked up on the fact that this silver PS3 is being launched on the same day as the Xbox 360 Arcade in Japan. Spoiler tactics? SPOnG wouldn't dream of suggesting such a thing - but we just implied the hell out of it.

There's no word from Sony yet on whether we will see the silver PS3 in Europe.

Sony has, however, confirmed what SPOnG told you yesterday - it is introducing a budget line-up for the PS3 in Japan going under the label 'PlayStation 3 The Best". The range will be available from March 19th for ¥3,619 (£17.22) each.


deleted 5 Feb 2008 14:51
Black, White and now Silver, thats it the 360 and Wii are finished!, well done Sony it giving the gamers what they really want!
Bentley 5 Feb 2008 15:01
Mmmm, silver consoles are the sex. Shame it's the stripped-back, 40GB no-BC console. But I want me a silver DualShock 3 now. Oh yeah. Hell yeah.

On the subject of PS2 BC, it nearly scuppered someone I know this week. They were after a Blu-Ray player. Some idiot in an electric hardware shop tried to sell them... a 360. Such lunacy. Fortunately they called me and asked me about it and after I stopped laughing I told them that 360 does not contain any built-in next-gen media device, although you can get an HD-DVD add-on if you fancy gambling on a bad deal. But if they wanted Blu-Ray in a console the only choice is a PS3. After I described SingStar to them as well, they were dead set for it.

So they went back to the store and the assistant was setting them up for a deal to get a HD TV, PS3 and a game for a decent price. But they did not have SingStar PS3. So what did the assistant offer them as an alternative?

SingStar PS2. Which they said "will work just as well".

Jesus. Fortunately the people called me up to check and I had to tell them that the assistant in the store had no bloody idea what they were talking about from start to finish. If the deal they were getting was not so special, they would have walked away.

But imagine, buying an HD TV, 360 and a stack of Blu-Ray discs, setting it all up only to find they had been misinformed. Then taking back the 360, getting a PS3, and SingStar PS2, getting that all home, and the game fails to load...

In summary: non-gamers who are buying PS3s for the Blu-Ray player are being confused by the inability to play PS2 games; and shop assistants are retards.
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SuperSaiyan4 5 Feb 2008 15:42
Well looks like your friend was after a blu-ray player shame the format is not as good as HD-DVD as it has better movies, better interface and extras.

Also with the 360 would have been able to play lots of better games and better controls along with Guitar Hero 3 which works better on the Xbox 360 and with the 360 having better exclusives, better graphics and online.

Shame your information is about as bad as that stupid shop assistant lol.
Bentley 5 Feb 2008 16:09
I hate to be uncouth, but f**k off SuperSaiyan. You are full of bullshit and fail. Anyone who thinks "LOL" is worth writing has not got any f**king clue about anything anyway. Your opinion is so worthless. HD DVD is a dwindling format; certainly not worth buying as an expensive add-on to a s**t console. This will be sitting in their living room, so they don't really want a noisy piece of ugly crap in there, thanks for your (s**t) advice. I can guarantee they have made the right choice; and by the way, Guitar Hero is a game for people who can't play real guitars. Me, and most of my friends, have no interest in it. SingStar is much more fun, but you won't see that as you need real friends to get the most out of it. You clueless t**t.

360 has better controls? What they hell are you on about anyway? Even my 360 owning friends will admit the controller is not as well-designed as the classic PS layout. Spoken like a true fanbaby, Saiyan. "Well done" for being a biased tit.

Knowing this family as well as I do, they will have a bloody riot on SingStar. They made a GOOD choice. I'd like to say "f**k off and die" to you, but I will not resort to such pathetic measures. I will, as usual, just laugh at your utter drivel and go off and do something more exciting than reading your constant nonsense. Idiot.
deleted 5 Feb 2008 17:52
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Well looks like your friend was after a blu-ray player shame the format is not as good as HD-DVD as it has better movies, better interface and extras.

Also with the 360 would have been able to play lots of better games and better controls along with Guitar Hero 3 which works better on the Xbox 360 and with the 360 having better exclusives, better graphics and online.

Shame your information is about as bad as that stupid shop assistant lol.

I swear to god this retard just come son here to wind us up, because no one can be as f**king retarded as he is, SuperSayian go and take your 360 HD addon and hide under a rock somewhere and f**k it until you actually have 1 clue about anything, and while we are on the subject make sure the rock is big enough to crush your tiny mind.
Coxy 5 Feb 2008 19:39
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Well looks like your friend was after a blu-ray player shame the format is not as good as HD-DVD as it has better movies, better interface and extras.

I've also bought that HD-DVD add on for the Xbox360, and to be honest I'm not exactly blown away, sure the picture's good, but I haven't seen a BluRay film yet so I can't compare the two, and I find the interface, well, strange, I mean I personally don't want to see bonus features whilst I'm watching the film, the only thing it's got going for it is that it's region free and that's pretty much it.

As a HD-DVD owner I hope it (HD-DVD) ceases soon, so it will be an end to this stupid format war.

In regard to the silver PS3, I still have to say I prefer it in white, I have to admit I am tempted by it, but I'll probably never own it, since I own the other two consoles already.
realvictory 5 Feb 2008 19:59
What I want to know is, what are Sony going to do to reimburse the people who bought a plain black PS3, just because it was the only one available, and paid a lot of money for it?

I think they should provide a service where you can post back your PS3 and get it painted any colour you like - well, some people provide that service anyway, I suppose. But, then again, whatever happened to the ultimate transparent colour scheme trend?

As for Blu-ray, on the other hand, I'm still not planning on buying any yet. I'm saving up for an HD-DVD player, once they get cheap enough/I get rich enough. But I have a better recommendation - save the £25 and go to the cinema a few times - I probably wouldn't even watch the same film 4 or 5 times if I bought it anyway. As long as you can put up with the rest of the people watching the film being a nuisance, that is.
Bentley 6 Feb 2008 03:03
It would be nice if there was a "replacement case" service. Especially as the PS3 casing shows up the smallest of marks and scuffs. I'd love a silver PS3 to go with my silver PS2, but as they've stripped out what I consider essential features, they can stick it up their (now sealed) flap.

Oh, and SuperSaiyan... I don't agree with 99% of the things you say. But I appreciate, and will defend, your right to say it. Even if it is mostly bloody stupid.

tyrion 6 Feb 2008 08:50
realvictory wrote:
What I want to know is, what are Sony going to do to reimburse the people who bought a plain black PS3, just because it was the only one available, and paid a lot of money for it?

Yeah, and maybe Ford could offer a free respray service when a new paint scheme becomes available for their cars. And we should all get money back from Sony when they drop the price of the PS3 again. And we should get free upgrades for games when the sequels come out.
deleted 6 Feb 2008 08:57
tyrion wrote:
realvictory wrote:
What I want to know is, what are Sony going to do to reimburse the people who bought a plain black PS3, just because it was the only one available, and paid a lot of money for it?

Yeah, and maybe Ford could offer a free respray service when a new paint scheme becomes available for their cars. And we should all get money back from Sony when they drop the price of the PS3 again. And we should get free upgrades for games when the sequels come out.

dont forget dualshock3 for all sixaxis owners, :)
realvictory 6 Feb 2008 20:52
What if one car was released every 5 years, substantially better than the last, initially only in one colour, with one new colour being launched rarely/whenever they feel like it?

I think if you spent enough money to buy a car, they would let you choose a colour in the first place, as opposed to forcing you to have a single colour; also there are plenty of facilities available to repaint your car a different colour if you choose to. In fact, there are hundreds of different types of car to choose from in the first place, not just a couple. Even with the XB360 you can at least change the front.
icanseeu 7 Feb 2008 00:21
realvictory wrote:
What if one car was released every 5 years, substantially better than the last, initially only in one colour, with one new colour being launched rarely/whenever they feel like it?

I think if you spent enough money to buy a car, they would let you choose a colour in the first place, as opposed to forcing you to have a single colour; also there are plenty of facilities available to repaint your car a different colour if you choose to. In fact, there are hundreds of different types of car to choose from in the first place, not just a couple. Even with the XB360 you can at least change the front.

if your main reason for buying a console is what colour it is, then your an idiot!
deleted 7 Feb 2008 00:29
icanseeu wrote:

if your main reason for buying a console is what colour it is, then your an idiot!

I don’t think anyone said it was a main reason but it is very important,

What if you have a Shiny Piano Black HDTV (Samsung) with nice shiny Black 5.1 DD Receiver and your Black SKY HD box, with in a nice smoked glass TV unit, would you want a ceramic white PS3 or a Premium 360?

What if you have a trendy apartment on canary wharf and your gaff is all white with a minimalistic setup everything built hidden away into the walls, but you couldn’t hide that PS3 because that would mean hacking another chunk out of your already expensive walls, what colour would suit your gaff best?

Colour can be very important maybe not to you, but no one said it was a main reason to buy a console was based on its colours? But everyone has preference.
tyrion 7 Feb 2008 08:34
haritori wrote:
Colour can be very important maybe not to you, but no one said it was a main reason to buy a console was based on its colours? But everyone has preference.

I agree that colour can be important, I tracked down a black GameCube at launch because I didn't like the purple. However, demanding a trade-in service for a games console because a different colour version is released is slightly retarded.

Personal choice means a lot to people, but if you're going to talk about fitting in with other equipment in your entertainment stack, you really only have two colours to chose from, black and silver, and they go well together in any combination.

If you are so ashamed by your unsightly and repulsive black PS3 that you demand a replacement silver version from Sony because you had no choice at launch, you spend too much time looking at your equipment and not enough looking at the screen.
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