The Real FIFA Street 3

New video, not a ball in sight

Posted by Staff
Go on, admit it. You thought there was no way all those fancy moves you see being done in FIFA Street games could be achieved in real life. Your inability to get off the sofa without a groan won't allow you to believe it! Well, the videos below showing off the motion capture process used to get all those acrobatic flying kicks into the game show just how wrong you are.

Granted, the guys below aren't having to pull together their stunts on the fly. Sure, there aren't any actual balls to contend with, so accuracy isn't so much of an issue. Yes, the chaps shown are a guy who used to get beat up by Jackie Chan for a living and a professional gymnast rather than footy players, but still... it can be done! Without the aid of wires, no less! SPOnG can see an extremely dangerous five-a-side match coming up tomorrow...

Peruse the videos below for a behind the scenes look at how all the fancy moves are put together, then cast your eyes over the photos (including plucky Brazilian striker, Ronaldinho in lycra) below. When you're done with that, head this way for a developer diary on motion capture from FIFA Street 3's producer, Justin Sheffield.


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