Mario and Sonic Get Athletic in Your Hands

New video and screens inside

Posted by Staff
Nintendo's been getting a spot of publicity recently for sportiness with one of its platforms and the increased fitness that might encourage in youngsters. Granted, the DS, which involves no more physical activity than waving a stylus around, is not the platform in question. SPOnG wholeheartedly hopes, nevertheless, that the release of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games will encourage an increased interest in athletics that will get kids out onto the running track. It's with this altruistic attitude that we bring you the latest trailer and screens for the upcoming title.

While the footage might make SPOnG want to head out and hurl heavy or pointy things at other things, however, the music makes us want to alternately do fly around with a cape flapping behind us, don a fedora and go find some ancient treasure or make us wave a lightsabre around.

Take a look, you'll see what we mean. When you're done, you'll find the rest of the new screens and the latest Mario & Sonic news on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


deleted 28 Jan 2008 15:55
Music makes me want to go romancing the stone, over on Indiania Jones, back yard.
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