Latest God of War PlayStation Portable Shots

Get warm and toasty with the lad Kratos.

Posted by Staff
Sony has (we're sorry for this) unchained some new screens from God of War on the PSP. SPOnG has them in all their cavernous glory below.

At just what point, though, did caverns get so dry-looking? Granted, Kratos spends a bit of time swimming, but the rest of the time he looks all dry and toasty. Where's the eerie gloom? Where's the unending damp drippiness? Where's the sheer misery? Anyway, next time SPOnG goes off to fight an evil horde in the bowels of the Earth, we're following Kratos.

You can find out more about God of War: Chains of Olympus on SPOnG's dedicated game page. But first, warm yourself with the screens below.


SuperSaiyan4 8 Jan 2008 11:33
The game is rather intense and I dont think you can fit much on a UMD I dont know why Sony just dont put games on 4gb memory sticks and do away with UMD's.

I saw comparison screens one on old PSP running at its old speed before the update then on the new slim psp with new firmware at the unlocked speeds...The old screens looked better than the ones on the latest version!

Anyhow am looking forward to it.
Joji 8 Jan 2008 19:34
Damn! March is gonna be a hot gaming month. I got Ninja Gaiden on DS to get and this baby for PSP. After God of War 2, this is long overdue on PSP. Glad to see Sony getting this one right.

Now I'd still like Devil May Cry on PSP too. Come on Capcom, sort it out.
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