Bargain PlayStation 3s for Prisoners

Kiwi cons get best PS3 prices ever?

Posted by Staff
A famous Kiwi corrections person, ready for action.
A famous Kiwi corrections person, ready for action.
The New Zealand Corrections Department is facing some flak in the light of its paying NZ$4,682 (£1,826.20) for eight PlayStations and 58 games in financial year 2006-2007.

Wait before you start screaming! Yes, we said £1,826.20 for eight PS3s and 58 games. Where the bloody hell did the department get that deal? Off the back of a lorry? Let's say all the games were first-party and all were boxed (and there were duplicates, obviously, as there aren't 58, boxed, unique PS3 games available).

Let's price the PS3s at £299 x 8 = £2,392 ( NZ$6,138.44) .
The first-party games are £39.99 x 58 = £2,319.42 (NZ$6,139.13)
Giving a grand total of £4,711.42 (NZ$12,094.09 by conversion), (NZ$12,277.57 by addition).

Not happy with that maths? Well, GamePlant in NZ is currently selling 40Gb PS3s for NZ$774.95 which equates to £301.76. It's also selling first-party titles for NZ$109.95 (£42.82), so that would work out at:

NZ$6, 377.10 for the games; NZ$6,199.6 for the PS3s = NZ$12,576.6 (£4,901.47) for the lot.

The Waikato Times (among other local sources) reports that opposition National Party (sitting on what it calls the 'centre right') Justice and Corrections spokesman, Simon Power came up with the NZ$4,682 figure.

Power states in the 'news story' (a quite blatant press release from the Nationals) that, "Taxpayers' money should not be used to buy this state-of-the-art gear". SPOnG says, "If you can get them at these prices, Simon, you'd be a idiot not to buy them. It'll keep the cons quiet too!"

Power continues, "It seems ironic that those who are sent to prison to be deprived of their liberties ... get access to appliances that many houses in New Zealand can't afford."

It seems bloody strange to us that at those prices, everybody in NZ can't afford at least one PS3! Possibly Simon hasn't quite checked his figures? Or maybe The Land of the Long White Cloud is actually a gamers' paradise?


ajmetz 2 Jan 2008 20:28
I guess they were subsidised...?
SuperSaiyan4 3 Jan 2008 13:23
Yeah by Sony lol.
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