GAME Ups Profit Forecasts

Christmas makes videogame retailer plump and happy

Posted by Staff
GAME Ups Profit Forecasts
Lest we needed convincing that it's been a good Christmas for the games industry, GAME has upped its profit forecast for the fiscal year up to January 31st.

The retailer has said that its profits will be "not less than £70m" before non-recurring costs and tax. That compares to £29.5 million for the previous year.

The "non-recurring costs" in question relate to the company's acquisition of GameStation. Compliance with the Competition Commission's investigation into the merger is expected to cost £4.5 million, while integrating the two companies is expected to cost £3.5 million.


deleted 2 Jan 2008 16:17
Some good news for retail over Christmas, Current Gen is Now producing the games, and the consumer wants its bit, and this can only reflect good on the industry as a whole (gaming industry that is not the retail).
Off topic though SPOnG Where was your Christmas pleasantries this year, not a single Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year, you just disappeared for a week leaving us with some boring GT5 News??
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