Fizzy Drink Body Takes a Pop at Video Games

Seriously... we just hope the guy gets canned.

Posted by Staff
Fizzy Drink Body Takes a Pop at Video Games
Responding to the mayor of San Francisco's proposal to charge large shops selling drinks containing high-fructose corn syrup, a vice president of the $105-billion-a-year American Beverage Association has decided that video games are to blame for childhood obesity.

Yup, the remarks of Kevin Keane, a senior vice president of the ABA, which represents non-alcoholic drink makers (that didn't come out right, we're sure all the makers are indeed not alcoholics), is described The New York Times as follows:

"Mr. Keane said that if Mr. (Mayor) Newsom really wanted to fight the fat, he would take on computer and video game companies, which Mr. Keane said lured children inside when they should “be outside burning calories."

For sure! We await the National Rifle Association's blame of video games for the number of times former vice president Dick Cheney can shoot a lawyer; or the Tobacco Merchants' Association to blame Mario for lung cancer due to too much time spent breathing in carpet dust.


SuperSaiyan4 19 Dec 2007 16:17
*yawn* I blame *blah blah blah blah* see even they are playing the 'blaming game' LOL.

deleted 19 Dec 2007 18:13
"Mr. Keane said that if Mr. (Mayor) Newsom really wanted to fight the fat, he would take on computer and video game companies, which Mr. Keane said lured children inside when they should “be outside burning calories."

thats right less time outside = less time spent hanging around a shop at night = less drinks purchased while hanging around = less time drinking high energy drinks to provide that much needed boost during a granny mugging?
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