While certain inhabitants of the SPOnG underwater castle who still get entertainment fixes in paper-based form are mightily excited about SEGA's upcoming Iron Man game, there's a lot of mistrust for the armoured Avenger kicking around. We hereby submit this trailer for your consideration in the matter.
Admittedly, it doesn't shed a whole lot of light on his recent antics in the Marvel Civil War. It won't tell you anything about his abuse of Peter Parker's trust in getting him to reveal his identity on national TV. Nor will it inform you on his cloning of Thor (who was once a close ally) that ultimately resulted in the death of Goliath. It also tells us nothing about his shady dealings with imprisoning unregistered superheroes in the Negative Zone. Never mind the fact that he's running S.H.I.E.L.D. now and appears to be going nuts...†
What the trailer below will show you, however, is Iron Man hugging a missile. Clearly, folk who love missiles that much can't be trusted.
† If you find yourself thinking 'Wha' huh?', SPOnG recommends you go buy yourself a copy of Civil War. We also recommend that you get the UK Panini edition. The cover's uglier, but it'll save you a few quid.
When we say, "SPOnG recommends", we actually mean 'Mark SPOnG recommends'. Comics are, after all, for kids. Ed