Dictionary Gets Youngsters to Its Website: w00t!

Websters turns gaming all serious

Posted by Staff
In the United States this week makers of a famous dictionary successfully managed to get a whole bunch of young gaming-type people to visit its website.

It achieved this by placing a word at the top of its list of 'Words of 2007' - brilliant!

Yes, the once august Merriam-Webster dictionary of how North Americans spell things has opted to place 'w00t' at the head of its 2007 list. Here's how it displays the winner:

"w00t (interjection)
expressing joy (it could be after a triumph, or for no reason at all); similar in use to the word "yay"

w00t! I won the contest!
Submitted by: Kat from Massachusetts on Nov. 30, 2005 23:18"

w00t won out against the following:

2. facebook

3. conundrum

4. quixotic

5. blamestorm

6. sardoodledom

7. apathetic

8. Pecksniffian

9. hypocrite

10. charlatan

What SPOnG wants to know is when has anybody at all (aside from G.B. Shaw), used the word 'sardoodledom'?

So, as the rebelliousness of gaming is swallowed up in the great machine, here's a challenge: get all 10 of the words of 2007 words into a Forum post and the best post will win some of the stuff currently lying around in the SPOnG office (and remember it is the lead up to Xmas!)


jwstacey 12 Dec 2007 11:32
I believe it would be a quixotic sardoodledom for someone as apathetic as me to try to include the top 10 words of 2007 into any coherent post. I mean who says 'w00t' anyway? I would be seen as a pecksniffian hypocrite of the highest order and would swiftly be exposed for the charlatan I undoubtedly am. Certainly I could attempt to blamestorm my way out of it by attributing this conundrum to the repeated pirates Vs ninja request on Facebook.
jwstacey 12 Dec 2007 11:32
I believe it would be a quixotic sardoodledom for someone as apathetic as me to try to include the top 10 words of 2007 into any coherent post. I mean who says 'w00t' anyway? I would be seen as a pecksniffian hypocrite of the highest order and would swiftly be exposed for the charlatan I undoubtedly am. Certainly I could attempt to blamestorm my way out of it by attributing this conundrum to the repeated pirates Vs ninja request on Facebook.
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Tom 12 Dec 2007 11:37

Woot the ... quixotic sardoodledom!!! That Pecksniffian Charlatan I thought he would be apathetic the bleedin hypocrite, its a conodrum I put the Blamestorm on Facebook.
Pete23 12 Dec 2007 12:00
The quixotic facebook blamestorm conundrum made even the apathetic hypocrites and charlatans give a wOOt but it turned out to be just another sardoodledom perpetrated by those Pecksniffian’s at Spong.
TimSpong 12 Dec 2007 12:08
jwstacey wrote:
I believe it would be a quixotic sardoodledom for someone as apathetic as me to try to include the top 10 words of 2007 into any coherent post. I mean who says 'w00t' anyway? I would be seen as a pecksniffian hypocrite of the highest order and would swiftly be exposed for the charlatan I undoubtedly am. Certainly I could attempt to blamestorm my way out of it by attributing this conundrum to the repeated pirates Vs ninja request on Facebook.

Right - I am loving this! Keep going people! The competition ends on Friday 21st at 10:00am.

At the moment I have the following on my desk:

1) A collection of BB pellets.
2) A CD of Will Wright's BAFTA speech.
3) A copy of MCV.
4) Some Irish booze.
5) A copy of the Bodyline docu-drama with Hugo Weaving and Heather Mitchell.
6) A bunch of games I've not been through yet.


DoctorDee 12 Dec 2007 13:41
Tim Smith wrote:
1) A collection of BB pellets.

MY BB pellets!?

You wouldn't be implying in that you may be planning to give these away as some kind of competition prize are you? That would be theft.

Sardoodledom! What about sardoodledee?

TimSpong 12 Dec 2007 13:45
DoctorDee wrote:
Tim Smith wrote:
1) A collection of BB pellets.

MY BB pellets!?
You wouldn't be implying in that you may be planning to give these away as some kind of competition prize are you? That would be theft.

No, they are my BB gun pellets that I went out and bought of my own accord (no, not 'in my own Honda').

Your BB gun pellets are for noobs and lameroerzeros.

I notice you have declined to take up the Websters Hip-Youngster SPOnG '07 Challenge, which you can't win anyway because (a) I say so and (b) I concur.


DoctorDee 12 Dec 2007 13:52
Tim Smith wrote:
No, they are my BB gun pellets that I went out and bought of my own accord (no, not 'in my own Honda').

Your BB gun pellets are for noobs and lameroerzeros.

Cool. So I can have them back then? And my gun?

DoctorDee 12 Dec 2007 13:56
Tim Smith wrote:
Stop using SPOnG as a weapon!

OK, I'll make a deal. I'll stop using SPOnG as a weapon if you stop using SPOnG to give away MY stuff that I lent, not gave, you? OK, I didn't expect ALL the BBs back because I know you want to shoot Andy and Mark, but I expected most of them (and the canister) back.

That "Ivory Tower" comment - that's just the sour-grapyaching of a basement dweller. Did I mention, I can see Lancashire from here!?

TimSpong 12 Dec 2007 14:00
DoctorDee wrote:
Cool. So I can have them back then? And my gun?

Okay, I understand this is a forum. However, I don't think it's the correct forum to try to (a) take back things you've given me (b) ask things that you could either (bi) jabber me about (bii) come all the way down from the ivory tower and ask me (bii.i) verbally, (bii.ii) in song, (bii.iii) using the medium of pictures.

What do you think, eh, readers?

Stop using SPOnG as a weapon!


tyrion 12 Dec 2007 16:16
DoctorDee wrote:
Tim Smith wrote:
Stop using SPOnG as a weapon!

And stop replying to stuff before Tim has posted it!
DoctorDee 12 Dec 2007 16:42
tyrion wrote:
DoctorDee wrote:
Tim Smith wrote:
Stop using SPOnG as a weapon!

And stop replying to stuff before Tim has posted it!

That happened because I spotted that the server clock was out by 10 minutes, and got Gareth to correct it AFTER Tim posted, but before I replied. Or because of the Time Machine we keep conveniently parked in the SPOnG office.

You decide.

PreciousRoi 12 Dec 2007 19:31
I'm gonna go with Time Machine, Doctor...in grade school, I wanted to be 'The Master' when I grew up...Dr. Who was on PBS Sunday nights...So, gimmie! One of them Sonic Screwdrivers too please. I want to turn my mothers chihuahua into a Dalek.

Bloody "innovate" should be on the list...
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