Xbox Live: Movie On Up

What are these strange moving images on your Xbox 360?

Posted by Staff
The masterful Saffron Burrows from that classic, Deep Blue Sea.
The masterful Saffron Burrows from that classic, Deep Blue Sea.
Xbox 360 lovers in Canada, France, Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom can - as of today - stop playing Halo 3 and Mass Effect and begin watching Space Cowboys, Looney Tunes: Back In Action and the mighty Clash of The Titans via Xbox LIVE Marketplace Video Store.

That's right, we've been dragged into the multi-mediacal 21st Century finally, and all for the price of 250 Microsoft Points (£2) for Standard Definition movies and from 380 Microsoft Points (£3.20) for High Definition movies. Now, in terms of pricing, we are told that these are estimated retail prices because, "prices may vary by individual retailer" - make of that what you will.

Below is the list of films that you can expect to see flickering on your high-def viewing device as you take a break from using the 360 for what the gods intended it - playing video games!

Launch films On Xbox LIVE Marketplace Video Store UK From Today, 11th Dec
Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone
Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets
The Matrix
The Matrix Revolutions
The Matrix Reloaded
Ocean's Eleven
The Perfect Storm
Three Kings
Training Day
The Fugitive
Risky Business
Space Cowboys
Eyes Wide Shut
Analyse This
Demolition Man
Executive Decision
Lethal Weapon 4
Looney Tunes: Back In Action
Mars Attacks!
Clash of The Titans
Superman III

Before 7th Jan 2008 – although, hilariously, we are informed that ‘these films may be subject to change’. So, basically, read them and then disregard the entire thing.

We Are Marshall
Batman & Robin
Batman Forever
Batman Returns
Wild Wild West
US Marshals
Deep Blue Sea
Conspiracy Theory
Last Boy Scout
Miss Congeniality
Analyse That

Out of that lot, here's SPOnG's 'Movies We'd Play On Our Xbox Given the Choice We've Got' Top 5.

Batman Returns
Clash of The Titans
Three Kings
Deep Blue Sea

Your agreement with our wisdom will be accepted in the Forum below.


Showing the 20 most recent comments. Read all 22.
DoctorDee 11 Dec 2007 13:55
When you say "SPOnG" list of films, who exactly do you mean? I certainly would never forgo six foot ginger supervixen Nicole Kidman's pert buns and cute boobs in favour of a Batman movie of any description.

And Deep Blue Sea is unrelenting in its averageness.

PreciousRoi 11 Dec 2007 14:22
yeh, I surely wasn't endorsing the other two movies I didn't name...

I don't think I've seen the Batman flick, and Deep Blue Sea...meh...

Superman III, though dated and horribly contrived, and NOT featuring the only Lex Luthor worthy of the role (MISTER Gene Hackman, Possibly you've heard the name? the Greatest Criminal Mind on Earth!), is prolly a better flick than any recent Batman...just for Richard Pryor...the bit about 'tar' was classic...

But theres a special place in Movie Hell for Three Kings, that POS Marky Mark/Clooney/Cube vehicle should have been dumped into the swamp and never seen the light of day. Its a pale, crass shadow of the original, and I don't recall it ever giving up the props to its daddy.

edit:I bet Powers Booth did a dece Lex, though...(animated, Superman: Braniac Attacks)
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PreciousRoi 11 Dec 2007 14:38
now if they offered Superman II:the Donner that would be a slam dunk.


... Even with all this accumulated knowledge, when will these dummies learn to use a DOOR KNOB?

*directed at person who made up list (from Superman):Do you know why the number two hundred is so vitally descriptive to both you and me? It's your weight and my I.Q.

TimSpong 11 Dec 2007 16:02
DoctorDee wrote:
When you say "SPOnG" list of films, who exactly do you mean?

I mean me because I am in that kind of mood today. Also, the following were not included:

White Sun of the Desert
Old Hottabych
Professor Dowell’s Testament
Andrei Rublyov

DoctorDee wrote:
I certainly would never forgo six foot ginger supervixen Nicole Kidman's pert buns and cute boobs in favour of a Batman movie of any description.

She lost all mystique for me after BMX Bandits and her marriage to the dwarf-king. Although I am fully supportive of her current husband - Urban kicks country ass - I've seen him live you know.

DoctorDee wrote:
And Deep Blue Sea is unrelenting in its averageness.

As I say, I'm in that kind of a mood today.



P.S. Also they did not have any Marx Brothers' movies such as A Day at the Farming Collective, Potato Soup or A Night at the Show Trials. I am such a Marxist/Leninist fanboy.

PreciousRoi 11 Dec 2007 16:18
and the cheap, crypto-knockoff of Kelly's Heroes?

to answer the following question, which was not directed at me, but I'm going to answer anyway...

Kelly's Heroes
Apocalypse Now Redux
Animal House
Cyrano de Bergerac (the b/w one with Jose Ferrer)
War Games
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Doctor Strangelove
True Romance

all I can think of before my edit time is up...
DoctorDee 11 Dec 2007 16:23
Tim Smith wrote:
I mean me because I am in that kind of mood today.

Ah, it's that time of the month is it.

So, if you weren't a KinoClub spurning bitch boy, what films would you want to see in the Microsoft MediaWhorepermarket? Real ones, btw, not more fanciful chimera from your unsubconscious.

TimSpong 11 Dec 2007 16:35
DoctorDee wrote:
Ah, it's that time of the month is it.

I am not going to dignify that with a proper response. Pass me some chocolate and red wine.

DoctorDee wrote:
So, if you weren't a KinoClub spurning bitch boy, what films would you want to see in the Microsoft MediaWhorepermarket? Real ones, btw, not more fanciful chimera from your unsubconscious.

KinoClub is for lamerz. Right, I would mostly like to see:

24 Hour Party People

But I can get all those anyway... so what is the point of this unless they can serve me up movies I can't already get? I still want to see the head in the sand conversation from White Sun of the Desert (Beloe Solntse Pustyni/Белое солнце пустыни)

DoctorDee 11 Dec 2007 16:43
Tim Smith wrote:
But I can get all those anyway... so what is the point of this unless they can serve me up movies I can't already get?

Agreed it needs to be full of up to the minute blockbusters, or impossible to get hold of cult Asian stuff. Three year old b-movies ain't gonna cut it chez moi.

But talking of movies. I am sooo looking forward to this little gem Tyrion alerted me to this morning:

TimSpong 11 Dec 2007 16:47
DoctorDee wrote:
But talking of movies. I am sooo looking forward to this little gem Tyrion alerted me to this morning:

Sweet Jebus!! That has surely got to be *ABBIT?

If not, I am going to suspend my usual art-snobbery and indulge it up to and beyond all reason.


*All Best Bits In Trailer
Earl 11 Dec 2007 16:58
no Star Wars :(
TimSpong 11 Dec 2007 17:00
Earl wrote:
no Star Wars :(

Doesn't everybody who wants Star Wars already have Star Wars?



PreciousRoi 11 Dec 2007 17:01
I stopped myself from listing that one...only versions in which Han shoots first need apply...all others get thrown in the Sarlacc pit.

tim:Sure on mouldy old VHS...
DoctorDee 11 Dec 2007 17:02
Tim Smith wrote:
Sweet Jebus!! That has surely got to be All Best Bits In Trailer?

Dunno, but I've been after the directors Oira sukeban for some months, without success. So if anyone knows where I can get a copy...

PreciousRoi 11 Dec 2007 17:04
What're ya looking for, mate owns a shop, he carries quite a bit of that sort of thing...he just got in 5 min ago...I could ring him and ask.
TimSpong 11 Dec 2007 17:12
PreciousRoi wrote:
What're ya looking for, mate owns a shop, he carries quite a bit of that sort of thing...he just got in 5 min ago...I could ring him and ask.

White Sun of the Desert by Vladimir Motyl starring Pavel Luspekaev!

Yes, I know... that's not what you meant.

DoctorDee 11 Dec 2007 17:13
PreciousRoi wrote:
What're ya looking for, mate owns a shop, he carries quite a bit of that sort of thing...he just got in 5 min ago...I could ring him and ask.

Much obliged.

It's a 2006 movie called Oira sukeban (Delinquent in Drag) directed by Noboru Iguch. It's the live action version of Go Nagai's anime of the same name.

PreciousRoi 11 Dec 2007 17:21
today is when he does his ordering, so hes going to look into it instanter.

too newish to be in his stock, atm.
PreciousRoi 11 Dec 2007 21:23
email enquiries are on the Aether.
king skins 11 Dec 2007 23:30
Have you asked Lupos? His company do some wacky imported japanese s**t
DoctorDee 12 Dec 2007 08:35
king skins wrote:
Have you asked Lupos? His company do some wacky imported japanese s**t

Lupos!!!! I owe him money for a bunch of DVDs he's gonna get for me. I NEED to sort that out. But I had a look through MediaBlasters catalog and couldn't see it. It's a good thought though!

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