Assassin's Creed: Launch Trailer

Scary Hollywood voice in footage inside

Posted by Staff
In case you've been living under a rock at the bottom of an ocean on one of Jupiter's moons, Assassin's Creed is coming out this Friday. Ubisoft, it would seem, has absolutely no intention of letting up its media barrage until then. SPOnG has the latest instalment in video form below.

Unfortunately, the company felt the need to kick the whole thing off by telling us the 12th century was a "time of war", in a slightly menacing Hollywood voice, no less. Come on guys! Bit old, innit? You couldn't have thought of something a smidgeon more original? And you had to tell us it was "a time of fear", too? Could you, maybe, be trying to insinuate a connection to our current political climate? Come on!

That said, it all does look rather spiffy. Check back tomorrow for SPOnG's review to see if the game delivers. In the meantime, tuck into the trailer, then head over to SPOnG's dedicated game page for more.



SuperSaiyan4 13 Nov 2007 13:28
Its a 'clue' basically its about a guy that goes back in 'time' which pretty much everyone knows now anyways.

The story unfolds from there.

A friend on my Xbox Live list has this game and Mass Effect.
realvictory 13 Nov 2007 13:32
The voice says 14th, the image says 15th, but I always thought it was due on the 16th!
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schnide 13 Nov 2007 14:12
realvictory wrote:
The voice says 14th, the image says 15th, but I always thought it was due on the 16th!

My girlfriend's due on the 17th.
David Armstrong 13 Nov 2007 14:33
If it's 12 century's after the birth of Christ doesn't that make it the beginning of the 13th Century? If the creed belongs to many assassins then isn't the title "Assassins' Creed" and not "Assassin's Creed"? Am I being far too pedantic?

So many questions!
tyrion 13 Nov 2007 14:56
David Armstrong wrote:
Am I being far too pedantic?

David Armstrong wrote:
If it's 12 century's after the birth of Christ

Only with others. Centuries would be the correct plural of century.
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