Halo Updates, Heatmaps And Sales Revelation

"...still-secret, still-in testing adjustments..."

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Halo Updates, Heatmaps And Sales Revelation
Bungie has released further details on three new multi-player maps on the way for Halo 3 - noting on its website that, "DLC maps include the ability to place Mancannons (with varying trajectories), a couple of different sized Shield Doors… and some vehicles will see a variety of tweaks".

The Halo 3 devs also promise "a couple of still-secret, still-in testing adjustments and changes" for classic Halo vehicles, adding that to say these are “at the intersection between hysterical and tactical would be a pretty drastic understatement."

Bungie also offers some information on Heatmaps, described as “the Doppler Radar System of Death in Halo 3. We're tracking encounters, weapons used and their results in a given game, collecting that data and sharing it with players visually. The key here is "the darker the red, the more frequent the deaths (or kills, depending on the parameters)."

All intriguing stuff. More details as and when we get them from Bungie.

Finally, it's trumpet-blowing time - Bungie tells us this week that the recently released Halo 3 for Xbox 360 is already more popular online than its predecessor Halo 2, which released over three years ago. What this means in terms of sales over the counter globally we're looking into.


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