Square announces more Final Fantasy retro rehashes

Will you get to see Square's latest offering?

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Square announces more Final Fantasy retro rehashes
SquareSoft has confirmed that it has finished the remakes of Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger for PSone. The double pack will be called Final Fantasy Chronicles, the second in the Anthology range.

Both games originally surfaced of the SNES back in the heady days of 16-Bit role-playing. Square has gone to the trouble of supplying a new batch of its brilliant FMV sequences to the game, but has opted to leave in the original intros and endings.

OK, it is time for the bad news. At present Square has only confirmed a release for Japan and the States. A Square Europe spokesperson told us, “The Japanese have yet to decide whether it is worth releasing Chronicles in Europe. As ever, the main issue is the massive amount of translation involved in the game. It is unfortunate that British gamers are unable to take advantage of the American release. We have even been contacted by English speaking gamers from the rest of Europe in the past, mainly about Final Fantasy Anthology. English is such a strong language. There are many Europeans that are able to play an English version.”

This explanation alludes to the fact hat European gamers cannot play PAL versions of games. But since the Americans require an English translation, the majority of the work is then done... making a PAL version would be a small matter. We will keep you updated on Square’s decision-making as we hear.


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