Alone In The Dark In Central Park - Video Inside

New reasons to not go jogging alone at night

Posted by Staff
Here at SPOnG, we thought we understood why we should be afraid to go into Central Park alone, handsome and sexually magnetic chaps that we are. According to this latest trailer for Alone in the Dark from Atari, we were wrong.

Central Park, it turns out, is one of the creepiest places on Earth. It's right up there with The Overlook Hotel and France. Don't worry though, if this trailer's anything to go by, not a vast amount happens there. Boy does it ooze atmosphere though...

SPOnG recommends that if you don't have a 360 and want to experience the game, you just go to bed and stick your head under the duvet. We all need some 'alone time' every now and then.

You can find out more about Alone in the Dark over on SPOnG's dedicated game page.



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