Detailed: Warhawk 1.2 Patch

In testing - no Dropship.... bah! Erm.. pwned or something.

Posted by Staff
Where are the bloody Dropships!
Where are the bloody Dropships!
Okay, so Warhawk is a game that SPOnG quite likes (see the review here) but it's not perfect - for a start you can't lie down when you're sniping and there is no bloody Dropship!

So, we were excited to see that Patch 1.2 is currently in testing. According to Dylan Jobe (Game Director, Warhawk) on the PlayStation blog, the following marvels will be ready to stick all over your copy of Warhawk with video game repair glue at some point in the near future.

Here's what is being tested:

* 5 New layouts.
* Clan game server option.
* Buddy slot reservations.
* Integrated Warhawk Store.
* Updated CTF capture/return behavior.
* Internal stat padder protection.
* Booster Pack status display at join game list.
* DualShock3 integration.
* Separate SIXAXIS motion control on/off per mode (ground, hover, flight).
* Detailed Player Score display at end of game fixed.
* Added new server type filters (player, ranked, dedicated, clan, Official Warhawk, etc).
* Added new server full/open filter.
* Fall damage exploit fixed.
* Dismount into walls exploit fixed.
* Invisible Tank, Turret & Warhawk exploit fixed.
* Auto-kick of idle players.
* Add to Favorites button added to end game screen.
* Increased VOIP volume when not using headset.

There are also the following new layouts:

* Eucadia: High City
* Island Outpost: Standoff
* The Badlands: South City
* Destroyed Capitol: Garden Showdown
* Archipelago: Close Corridors


So, Dualshock for 'pwning in a rumble stylee', the 'Booster Pack' for, well, not the bloody Dropship! And new layouts... we can't wait for 'mid December'.

Source: PlayStation blog


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