Indie developer Mousechief has just announced what it's calling the “first RPG of literary, social satire” -
Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble! SPOnG anticipates some of its staffers rocking gently in the corner with manic frozen grins on their faces...
Mousechief tells us,the game features a... how shall we put this? Non-traditional combat system. It includes, “Taunt, Fib, Flirt, Expose Secrets, and Gambit”. You're probably thinking this sounds like another kooky Japanese effort along the lines of
Doki Doki Majo Shinpan!, the Japanese witch-fondling sim. But no! The announcement hails from the home of liberal Western thinking, San Francisco.
The plot, according to Mousechief, goes thusly: “Set in 1920s small town USA, your girls begin by making a pet project of their school's new maintenance man. They first expose his crimes and then fight to save him from the gallows. The full epic pits 'girl-rilla' subversion against cultural tyranny. It's
Planescape: Torment meets
Peyton Place as if told by (Nobel Prize-winning novelist from back in history sometime. Ed.) Sinclair Lewis.”
Other choice snippets from the announcement include, “It's the parlour game your great-grandmother will deny ever playing”, “This is the game with girls that ISN'T about courage, friendship, trust and the joy of discovery. It's more like-survival of the sassiest”, and “Win, use, and discard a dozen boyfriends along the way. (or keep some around for pleasure.)”
A demo is available now right
here, just in time for the Independent Game Festival. Well, four months before it.