More Crazy Video Game Bans Afoot

Just when you thought video games couldn't get picked on any more...

Posted by Staff
Fred Lim celebrates a high score in the video game called 'Politics'.
Fred Lim celebrates a high score in the video game called 'Politics'.
The Philippines - not a place you'd usually connect to video games - has a 'character' as mayor of its capital city, Manilla - and he's out to ban minors playing video games.

This follows last July's ruling that violent video games could not be played between 7am and 6pm near public high schools.

Yes, 'hard man' Mayor Alfredo S. Lim is looking to stop kiddies from playing violent video games in public arcades and amusement centres. He's been asked to do so by the Philippine Alliance Against Pornography (wonderfully acronymed as 'PAAP').

Website, reports that, "Lawyer Henrietta Marquez, former chair of Movie and Television Review Classification Board (MTRCB), was alarmed that video games appear to pose even more danger than movies and television since they are unregulated. As such, minors can indulge in them without proper guidance."

Fred Lim is apparently an authority on the subject, telling the world (according to Balita) "such games being very interactive, playing them repeatedly might cause children to eventually develop violent tendencies."

Even more shocking, even more terrirying is that - according to PAAG "violent games encouraged players to be good at hitting and killing a computer-generated enemy with a gun by shooting at his vital parts."


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