GAME Sees Huge Sales Boost

New hardware credited

Posted by Staff
Peter Lewis, chairman of GAME.
Peter Lewis, chairman of GAME.
GAME has reported a profit of £6.2 million for the first half of 2007, an 42.6% increase over the same period last year.

"The strong performance reported today is a result of our hard work in getting GAME properly positioned ahead of the new technology cycle", commented Peter Lewis, chairman of GAME (pictured).

“We have a fast growing international business and are well placed for further organic growth. We look forward to the key Christmas trading period when our store portfolio will exceed 1,120 across the UK, Continental Europe and Australia,"

The first six months of last year saw GAME make a loss of £5.6 million. This year's turnover was £482.4 million, up from £272.9 million in the same period last year.

Also revealed in the report was the fact that the legal and financial costs of complying with the Competition Commission's investigation of the company's acquisition of GameStation is estimated to be around £4.5 million.

The Competition Commission recently published some initial findings outlining potential 'Theories of Harm' in the acquisition.


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