Gametribe has just informed SPOnG that
Dream Of Mirror Online (or DOMO, for short) - one of the most widely acclaimed online games in Asia - has finally launched its closed beta for European gamers.
Dream of Mirror is developed by China-based Softstar, and has already surpassed 400,000 registered users in Taiwan alone.
Players can choose between four races, six classes and six professions to gain experience through amazing quests and missions. The game places a great deal of emphasis on teamwork through the "strong human relationship system", and the graphics provide contemporary 3D anime-style with cell-shading effects.
Players will need to get a move on to become one of the privileged few to access the closed beta and enter the magical world of the Kunlun mirror.
Why should you give this particular fantasy MMO your precious time? Simply because it is FREE. Yes, the business model is based on our old friend ‘micropayments’ – so the developers are hoping that enough gamers might wish to shell out small amounts of money to personalise their characters.
It’s an ingenious model that certainly seems to be working quite well over in Asia, so SPOnG will be keeping a close eye on the game to see if it has anywhere near the same amount of success in the west.
For further information, please visit the
DOMO section on