SPOnG's pretty excited to see how
Tomb Raider: Anniversary plays on the Wii. We
thought that the PS2 version was pretty nifty and we're interested to see what developer Crystal Dynamics does with the Wii control system.
Imagine how excited we were, then, to see this new trailer for the Wii version boasting footage of platform-exclusive features. We were even more titillated by the promise of "Mild Suggestive Themes". We even avoided too much disappointment when we saw that the feature in question is a flashlight (
It is called a bloody Torch! Ed). Maybe, after all, it was a Maglite and we'd get to see Lara club someone with it...
But no. Instead, Eidos has just taken two minutes of our lives that we will never ever be able to reclaim and given it over to mind-numbingly soul-crushingly dull footage of Lara running through a temple then turning of her bloody torch. Because it's dark and that. Bloody brilliant.
You can read more about
Tomb Raider Anniversary on SPOnG's
dedicated game page.