3D Gaming Glasses To Be Revealed At TGS

The future, today!

Posted by Staff
Vuzix is set to show off its latest iWear video, erm, eyewear at the Tokyo Games Show. That's right, glasses from the future! Again!

In particular, Vuzix tells us, "The just released VR920 is the worlds first high resolution, 3-D Video Eyewear with head tracking." The VR920 works with PCs and laptops and supports "virtually all PC applications". In particular, Vuzix seems determined to try and get you to step into World of Warcraft, referencing the MMO specifically in its press bumf. Sounds a bit scary to SPOnG.

Admittedly, it does seem that someone's trying to throw the Future of Interactive Entertainment at us every time we breathe, but these latest wrap-arounds look even slimmer than the last lot!

The technical specs boasts "Equivalent to a 62” screen viewed at 9 feet" and "Support for up to 1024x768 VGA video formats". For the full details head over to Vuzix's website.

SPOnG knows that you really just came to look at the sexy pictures, though, so dig in.


Joji 18 Sep 2007 20:39
The future's so bright, I gotta wear 3d video shades.
daz 18 Sep 2007 22:49
why don't we just get 62" screens and sit 9ft away from it?
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SuperSaiyan4 19 Sep 2007 08:01
@ Daz perhaps not everyone can afford a 62inch screen...Such stupid comments by people on here is soo amusing.
irritant 19 Sep 2007 08:34
I tried a set of tracking 3D glasses at ETCS years ago playing Unreal Tournament. From a technical point of view, they were pretty good and were very responsive (screen quality was poo but obviously things have changed there).

The only problem was, they were absolutely no match for a mouse and no similar system ever will be. You simply cannot swing your head/whole body round fast enough with these things. You could increase the sensitivity but then you lose the reality, and possibly would suffer motion sickness, when turning your head 10degrees produces a 30degree turn in game.

These would only be any use in games where everyone was using them, but why would you choose an inferior control system when the perfect control system is already available?
deleted 19 Sep 2007 08:49
daz wrote:
why don't we just get 62" screens and sit 9ft away from it?

or you could get a 15.5" and sit 2.25 feet away!. or because everyone can afford 62" sets why dont we just upgrade to 112" sets and sit 18 feet away!

not everyone can afford big ass sets and i suspect anyone with anything above 32" is quite happy. as for these uber geek glasses, im sure there fun for ten mins until your eyes hurt and i cant see these being anywhere near the quality of a 40" HDTV, so i would rather invest into a decent screen.

Check out some of the 3d movies on there site, Cheese is the word!
hollywooda 19 Sep 2007 13:39
fcuk playing bioshock with those on in the dark!!!!....
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