An “experimental augmented reality game” is scheduled to take place in Soho, London this Thursday for October's London Games Festival.
Don't worry, you haven't stumbled into a William Gibson novel by mistake only to find yourself still reading SPOnG. The event, dubbed "Soho Stories", will experiment with integrating video-game and real life elements, with content contributed by different communities that make up Soho.
The event comes from InSync, which works with the digital and audio-visual media sectors to produce events encouraging “new thinking, innovation, commercial partnerships & creative collaborations” according to its website. We'll let InSync describe the event to you:
“InSync's Augmenting Reality event will explore possible futures for games and interactive storytelling in a creative forum focused on the development of Soho Stories. What are the boundaries between narrative and game? Is there a real future for hybrid forms of entertainment combining broadcast and online elements with live events and player-generated content?”
So: hybrid entertainment? Check. Online elements? Check. User-generated content? Check. Seems to tick all the right buzz word boxes to SPOnG. But, much as we'd like to be overly cynical about the event, it actually sounds pretty interesting.
Keep your eye on InSync's
events page for more information on how to get involved.
Source: The Guardian