PAL PS3 Bundles Will Vary Between Regions

UK gets "soft bundles"

Posted by Staff
PAL PS3 Bundles Will Vary Between Regions
Following rumours that the next PS3 starter pack will include Heavenly Sword and F1 06 are sort of true and sort of not. Sony has confirmed that bundles in PAL territories will be decided on a region by region basis.

The Heavenly Sword bundle SPOnG showed you yesterday is indeed legitimate, but is specific to France. A statement released by Sony reads:

"To remove any confusion, the Starter Pack, with an extra controller and two titles is a SCEE wide initiative and has been launched in all of our territories. The choice of which titles to include in the Starter Pack, and the freedom to change the titles is up to the individual markets based on their unique market conditions."

Allow the bundle envy to commence!

SPOnG caught up with Sony on the subject, and a representative clarified that, for the UK, "We do soft bundles. Ultimately, we allow retailers to choose what titles they put in. At the moment we're offering any of our five launch titles." The Heavenly Sword bundle for France, the rep confirmed, is a hard bundle that doesn't allow retailers the same freedom."

†Source: Kotaku


Dreadknux 6 Sep 2007 13:17
Well that's that then. Expect the UK soft bundles to be packed with the games that nobody wants to buy. :P

Seriously, am I wrong in thinking hard bundles are the way to go for Sony right now? If you give retailers bundle freedom they're going to shove all the stuff that's not selling with the console. That's not likely to help sales as much as the lure of Heavenly Sword is it?
OptimusP 6 Sep 2007 17:25
That is if Heavenly Sword was a killer-app...which it isn't. More a decent beat'em up that fans of the genre will spend some nice time with.

Or do fancy graphics alone suddenly make a game a killer-app?
deleted 6 Sep 2007 21:11
Svend they said they have a choice of the 5 launch titles, so they cant just shove anything in, but it would also effect retail sales if they put crap games in the console packs so it owuld be in there interets to include the best games they can they will still make the same profit overall and want they want is console sales because that creates repeat sales.
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