Bosses Play Games At Work

As does nearly a quarter of the working population

Posted by Staff
David Brent probably playing Lock N' Load.
David Brent probably playing Lock N' Load.
The Reuters agency is reporting research stating that nearly a quarter of the USA's working population plays video games at work. As US labour laws are quite strict on child labour, we can only infer that this means adults.

Now, as with any research, you've got to understand who is carrying it out - in this case it was carried out by market researcher Information Solutions Group on behalf of Seattle-based game provider - so there could possibly be just the tiniest of agendas in place.

With that possibility in mind, here's the outline of the survey of 2,842 office workers which, as Reuters points out was "conducted on a video game web site" - so, not in the office then? Apparently one in four people, say that they like to jiggle a control pad (or more likely a mouse) in the office.

"Game play increased up the corporate ladder with more than one third, or 35 percent, of chief executives and other senior executives who took part in the survey admitting to playing games at work. They made up 8 percent of the survey", says the survey, which continues, "While 61 percent of those who play games at work said they did so during lunch or other official breaks, the survey by found one in seven, or 14 percent, admitted playing during business meetings or conference calls."

Brilliant! But then the whinging self-justification comes in - well, it's a US survey after all, "Eight out of 10 said playing a quick game helped them handle stress while about five in 10 said it helped strengthen their memory."

Do what? Come on chaps, if you're going to 'pwn' your pod buddies at Quake then at least be a grown-up about it and admit that your having fragging fun. Stress... stuff and nonsense says SPOnG.


deleted 6 Sep 2007 13:10
i bet the 2,842 office employees work for Bungie, or ID or Sony or Nintendo or Microsoft or so on now thats a survey you can take as fact. FFS if you play games in my works you get bollocked ffs i cant even read a magazine at my desk infact i aint even allowed a f**king mars bar at my desk! i aint even allowed to look at spong but as you can tell i still do (only be caught twice in 3 years)!, and it doesnt matter if your playing Quake on your corporate (crappy Compaq basic as they come) PC or Windows solitaire you get bollocked so where are these companys that allow you to install s**t on your pc?
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