Motion Controlled Nintendo DS Homebrew Kit

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Motion Controlled Nintendo DS Homebrew Kit
Following yesterday's news of Nintendo's new DS Slide Controller, is Action XL's DS Motion Card (pictured here) "a revolutionary motion sensor for the DS and DS Lite handheld gaming systems" containing a 3-axis accelerometer and a single-axis gyroscope that plugs into the DS card slot to enable full motion sensing on the DS.

Apparently it is the first tri-axis accelerometer that can be used for homebrew DS development, and the first and only accelerometer/gyroscope combination available for handheld gaming. Get ready for the science bit:

How it Works
The DS Motion Card contains a tri-axis accelerometer and single-axis gyroscope that communicate with the DS using SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) on the DS card.

The accelerometer measures acceleration in all directions (both gravitational acceleration and acceleration caused by a change in velocity). The gyroscope measures angular rotation rate (speed of rotation) around an axis perpendicular to the bottom screen of the DS.

Custom software turns the sensors on, reads the accelerations and angular rate, and controls the display based on the sensor readings. Functions to communicate with the sensors have already been written and are simple to integrate into any existing or new projects.

SPOnG has put our order in immediately for the DS motion-sensor and we'll bring you our full report as soon as we get our mitts on in.

For more information on where to get hold of one, as well as lists of the homebrewed DS games currently available to use with the device you can check out The NDS Motion website


jjj 16 Jan 2011 02:06
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