Incorruptible Warriors: Kill Entire Families

And you thought Manhunt 2 was supposed to be violent?

Posted by Staff
Incorruptible Warriors: Kill Entire Families
Incorruptible Warriors is a new hit game in China - and it's a heady mix of People Power and outright slaughter.

According to The Daily Telegraph, "The player's task is to find - and kill - not just corrupt officials but their sons, daughters, and even mistresses."

The game has been so popular since its launch last week that it's already crashed its servers. Unlike violent games over here in the West, however, this one is not likely to be banned - it was put into the world by local Chinese government as part of an educational program.

Clamping down on corruption among government officials is the latest 'craze' from Party HQ as the country moves inexorably into the world of free market capitalism.

There is no news as yet as to whether Gordon Brown will be taking a similar course of action and backing a British Government-backed virtual councillor slaughter fest - Mayor Hunt anybody?

Source: The Daily Telegraph


PreciousRoi 3 Aug 2007 12:22
Next will be an 'educational' title, jointly produced by the (Saudi) Kingdom and Pakistan for the Wii...I'll leave the creative uses for the Wiimote to your imagination.

Shari'a Enforcers will feature a soundtrack by the former Cat Stevens.

Then theres my idea for a 'reality based' video starts out as a 'point and click' detective game, where you try and track down the extended family of suicide bombers and the people who financed them, then switches to first person shooter as you exterminate them...or the CIA could (should) just do it for reals...
Joji 3 Aug 2007 16:19
I guess Phoenix Wright isn't there cup of tea in China. This game is indeed in poor taste though. To be wrong or disagree is fine and very human. In China this might not be the case though, where the governement are teaching their citizens to hate and kill accused people, much without evidence.

But then again, can we really say this is any different than the America's Army game? That too is in poor taste.
PreciousRoi 3 Aug 2007 18:07
Awww, c'mon Joji...wagging fingers at its targeted age group is one thing...but America's hArmy isn't in poor taste at all.

All these games (mine too) could be said to serve the Indoctrination mission.
Here's where they differ.
America's Army is the electronic realization of countless little boys' dream, they get to play at being soldiers...serving what you may see to be an insidious ulterior motive nonwithstanding, they're at least giving up something of value, something the market already wants. Plonk any likely young lad, from anywhere, anywhen, in front of a PC, and after he figures out what games just hint that you have a soldier game and he'd be all up in your grill wanting to play it. Luckily we live in more sophisticated, jaded times...our kids aren't that easy. And what do you really do thats so bad in AA? Kill people that don't look like you? Thats been SOP for tribes of Homo Sapiens for millenia, nothing revolutionary there...

Incorruptible Warriors (and Shari'a Enforcers) look like behavior modification tools, thinly disguised as a game. Not designed to teach anything as reasonable as "Kill the foreign chaps", instead its kill your neighbor, your neighbors family and his mistress. Essentialy its teaching people to be horror movie monsters, like Freddy Krueger, or Jason Voorhees. If you sin on camera, you and your family die...just having a mistress is a sin, and being one surely is, so yer bitch gotta go too. Is there really a big demand for a Commissar-simulation game? What it really is...its a distraction...the gullible proletariat are supposed to believe that its been corrupt officials that have held their country back (don't get me wrong, they can't be helping much, except insofar as corrupt officials sometimes have reasons to ensure that things actually work, more graft in a healthy economy), and gee, if we could just get rid of them this whole wacky Communism thing would just hum along, oh and by the way, its all your fault for not doing anything about it sooner, but you better settle for doing something about it in the game, in real life you better settle for narking them out to your nearest Party apparatchik, because if you try any spontaneous vigilante s**t for real and we don't like it, WE WILL SHOOT YOU IN THE HEAD AND SEND YOUR FAMILY A BILL FOR THE BULLET. We are so not kidding about this, ask around...

Mebbe this is a part of the're playing along, killing corrupt officials...and all of a sudden you hear a loud bang and the screen drips red and fades to black, with an invoice billing your family for some huge-ass anti-aircraft shell thats against the Geneva Convention to use against anything smaller than a tank. Then in red, overlaid on top the following scrolls "The last official you killed had important contacts in the Politburo, you have been preposthoumously declared an Enemy of the People, and your wife and children now live in a camp on the Mongolian border." or "That was ALSO beyond reproach General Zhou's mistress, she brought him much peace of mind and enable him to perform his duites more effectively, by killing her you have weakend our defenses and thus are obviously a traitor, your wife has been sold to pirates, and your daughters will be raised as Army whores."
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