Games GCSE Coming Soon

Show of faith from the government or cynical grab for students?

Posted by Staff
Games GCSE Coming Soon
The Government plans to let students opt to study the history of games at a level equivalent to GCSE or A-Level in place of more traditional subjects.

The GCSE-level media course will be available to pupils from the age of 14 and will examine ‘the historical development of computer games’.

Similarly, sixth form students will be able to to take an advanced media studies diploma that will ask them to 'critically respond to a range of computer games' and examine why players respond to them.

The qualifications will not emerge in isolation. Rather, they'll be part of a range of Diplomas available in 14 industry areas including IT, construction and engineering. The Diplomas will be rolled out between 2008 and 2013.

Schools Secretary Ed Balls (pictured) said of the new areas of study, "I want to see the brightest and the best taking diplomas which will give them more choice and allow them to get the careers they really want... I'm confident that when people study the draft content now available, they will see how far we've come in developing a credible alternative for all young people.”

Glad as SPOnG is to see games being acknowledged by the government as an important part of contemporary culture, we have to wonder whether students studying the history of games will really “allow them to get the careers they really want”. The history of games is certainly unlikely to serve the development community in recruiting viable new talent.

SPOnG will also be interested to see where the syllabus will come from and who will teach it.

Is this an acknowledgment from the government of gaming's legitimacy as a cultural force, or a cynical attempt to get bums on classroom seats? Answers in the Forum, please.

Source: MCV


RiseFromYourGrave 26 Jul 2007 16:40
the government arent going to give schools the money to buy fleets of pcs that can do half decent modelling etc, learning about why super mario bros 2 wasnt really super mario bros 2 is probably as good as it gets
deleted 26 Jul 2007 18:25
yeah ok i can see why it would be funa nd i can see every student who isnt really in it for the education taking this course, but.....

what advantage will this have for anyone other than a student wishing to enter the games industry? the government should concentrate of the level of overall education and problems within school and outside schools with level of repect and social problems caused by a lot (not all) of todays youth! its also kinda ironic that a government that wants to support games history but also wants to destroy creativity within games that they judge unacceptable for adults of any age!
Joji 26 Jul 2007 19:00
I'd love to do this course if it was just about games and interactive entertainent. The history of games is the tip of the iceberg, but hopefully it will be expanded over time.

Or maybe I could teach it, now there's an idea....? Not a teacher though.
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