Heroes Game On The Way?

Ubisoft to bring TV hit to gaming

Posted by Staff
"Save the cheerleader, save the world." Yes please.
"Save the cheerleader, save the world." Yes please.
Ubisoft is in the closing stages of inking a deal to bring Heroes to the world of gaming, according to Variety.

Ubisoft has not confirmed the deal as yet, but it is expected that the publisher and NBC Universal (which owns the rights) will make an announcement later in the week at San Diego Comic-Con.

Hit TV series have not had vast amounts of success in translating into games, but SPOnG reckons that Heroes has all the makings of a great adventure title. The charaters' abilities to do the likes of stopping time, fly and phase through solid objects all have the makings of fun game mechanics. At the same time, developers wouldn't be faced with the problems created by the planet-smashing powers exhibited by the likes of the Justice League.

That, and we totally *heart* Hiro.

On Tuesday Ubisoft confirmed that it had licensed another hot Hollywood property, James Cameron's Avatar. Cameron said of the deal:

"For the movie ‘Avatar’ we are creating a world rich in character, detail, conflict and cultural depth. It has the raw material for a game that the more demanding gamers of today will want to get their hands on - one that is rich in visuals and ideas, and challenging in play. I told the Ubisoft team I wanted them to be free to do their very best work, and not think of this as a movie-based game. They responded with a fully realized presentation which captured the soul of the world and the characters, while promising to be a knockout game on its own terms. Their passion inspired my confidence that they are going to do something transcendental."


Joji 26 Jul 2007 12:00
Still looking forward to Jim Cameron's Avatar and Battle Angel flicks, hopefully we'll see one (or both) of them next year.

Heroes is awesome stuff. Ubisoft would have to do something interesting to not make this another Xmen type clone. If they can get that feel of the series without compromising it should prove interesting.

If there were loads of chacracters to discover in the game that could make things very cool. This is one thing Xmen could have done in its games but didn't and gave you set popular characters to play.

Please don't mess these games up, Ubisoft.

Yeah, Hiro and Peter are the best.
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