Heavenly Sword Demo Ready

We're just waiting for Sony

Posted by Staff
A demo of the divine-looking Heavenly Sword is good to go, and the game's developer, Ninja Theory, is just waiting for Sony to put it onto the PlayStation Network.

In the Ninja Theory official forums studio co-founder Mike Ball reports, "Well, let me just tell you all that the dev team has finished work on the demo.. that's it... it's in the bag... so now it's a case of Sony deciding when they feel is the best time to release it to PlayStation Network."

When we first reported that a Heavenly Sword demo was on the way we were pretty chuffed. Now we know it's finished SPOnG's salivating in a way that no religious experience has prompted since we witnessed God at the Wakefield's Seņoras Desnudas Calientes last Christmas. If you're not sure why, take a look at this E3 trailer and SPOnG's interview with one of Ninja Theory's other founders, Tameem Antonaides.

Ball also tells us, "The Ninja team is now in the closing stage of development. We are quite literally fixing bugs and then it's done."

For more on Heavenly Sword, check out SPOnG's dedicated game page.


hollywooda 19 Jul 2007 10:55
i'll be intrested to see how this game plays, i've kept my eye on this one from the Ninja Theorys story in the Edge mag about taking an early build of the game around to companies looking for a backer, to Sony buying them up. I'll be popin over to my friends house to play his PS3 when this demo goes live.
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