Gaming Blamed For American Idiots' Child Neglect

Children found malnourished and ill while parents apparently, played Dungeons & Dragons

Posted by Staff
Large plasma screen worth more than a child?
Large plasma screen worth more than a child?
An American couple from Nevada has pleaded guilty to charges of child neglect stemming - apparently - from obsession with a Dungeons & Dragons MMO. They now face maximum jail sentences of 12 years each.

Michael Straw, who was unemployed at the time of the incident, came into a $50,000 (£24,500) inheritance in September, which by December he had apparently spent on computer and gaming equipment, as well as a large plasma screen TV.

Michael and Iana Straw, 25 and 23, allegedly failed to feed or properly clean their children because they couldn't tear themselves away from the computer. "They had food, they just chose not to give it to their kids because they were too busy playing video games", said Deputy District Attorney Kelli Ann Viloria, who is prosecuting the Straws.

Police were called in after complaints from neighbours that one of the children would not stop crying. According to the police report, the family's home was strewn with rubbish bags with pathways cleared to navigate the home. The family was relocated to a motel for two days while their home was cleaned before social services came and removed the children from the Straws' custody.

A spokesman for Nevada Child Abuse Prevention, Patrick Killen, said game playing correlating to child abuse is "a new spin on an old problem”. He added, “As we become more technologically advanced, there's more distractions. It's easy for someone to get addicted to something and neglect their children. Whether it's video games or meth (amphetamine), it's a serious issue, and Nevada needs to become more aware of it."

The case will no doubt throw more ammo in the direction of those in the American Medical Association who want to see gaming gaming acknowledged alongside alcohol and drug addiction.

Source: Reno Gazette-Journal


ultimateassmonkey 16 Jul 2007 10:37
Damn... Tis good they haven't found me out!
Think I'd be the only one going to jail because I was too busy playing video games (before I started working) to even feed myself!

Argh... Damn me!!
Joji 16 Jul 2007 18:33
Just feed the kids some old fashioned Gin and get them to sleep. Lol.

My 360 is my kid. I have to feed it games and electricity.

MMOs should get into the habit of rewarding the player, for having real rest breaks for food, defocation and such. Then there's no problem.
OptimusP 17 Jul 2007 10:35
MMO's implementing real organic AI-behavior in their characters confirmed.

dream of the possibilites! Nighe Elf Azerifal needs to take a lvl 12 dump since you missed the last three ones...dumping time: 10 minutes. *cast..eeuh dumpbar scrolling*
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