One of the games we are willing to physically fight to get hands-on time with at E3 is
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (pictured here), due for release on Wii later this year.
A US magazine has just published its first impressions of
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, claiming (somewhat unsurprisingly) that it is very much aimed at the hardcore gamer and
Metroid fans, but still accessible to newcomers due to the very accessible motion controls. The player uses the Wii Remote like a gun while moving with the Nunchuk, kind of like a much-improved version of
Red Steel's controls.
Much improved.
Here’s some more details
Play magazine’s first impressions revealed (spoiler warning!):
• The controls supposedly work better than a dual joystick setup, with super sensitive pointer in “advanced mode”. To perform a Visor Switch, players hold minus and flick the Wii-remote in different directions.
• The game has a good difficulty curve by the time players reach the end of the opening level.
• It features larger environments, bloom lighting and improved textures over past Prime titles.
• In the first level, Samus is attacked on a spaceship while meeting with the captain. Expect it to be action-packed and complete with Ridley boss battle at the end.
• The second level has a floating city with a lot of exploration.
• Back-tracking has greater value than previous Prime titles.
• Play says it could be the “biggest revolution in FPS gaming since Halo”.
source: Play/ GoNintendo