Speedball 2: Hidden Retro Goodness

PLUS: new screens

Posted by Staff
"Surely you wouldn't hit a guy in glasses..?"
"Surely you wouldn't hit a guy in glasses..?"
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Frogster has just launched the 'complete portal' for classic old stager, Speedball 2, and it's hidden an Easter egg for fans of the original somewhere within it.

If you can find the “hidden reminiscence” (the announcement comes from Berlin) you also get your name thrown into an “exclusive raffle”, with a ground-trembling new sound system for your laptop up for grabs.

Beyond the hidden throwback to times past, you'll find the usual news, forums and screens wrapped in a plush futuristic arena setting on the site.

For those of you not familiar with the concept of Speedball, its what sport was always meant to be: 18 steroid-pumped men-monkeys chucking a steel ball around with almost no rules. SPOnG fondly remembers sitting inside all summer, mashing up our only friend on the original Speedball 2, while the other boys played that sissy football game outside...

You can find the new website here.


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