Harry Potter's Growing Up: New Xbox Trailer

It's almost time to start lusting after Hermione...

Posted by Staff
Another year, another blockbuster Harry Potter movie. Ergo: another blockbuster Harry Potter game. Not wanting us to forget that, EA's just released a new trailer for the Xbox 360 version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Harry Potter's getting older, discovering girls and, naturally, building his own army of vigilante wizards. SPOnG's pretty sure that when we were Harry's age we were busy supping cider down at the local park, but clearly he's got other things to deal with. Order of the Phoenix is the first Harry Potter game developed specifically with next-gen consoles in mind, so expect EA to up the ante.

After you've taken in the trailer below, you can find out more about Order of the Phoenix on SPOnG's dedicated game page.


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