Heavenly Sword: Divine New Video

All the next-gen ninja goodness you could ask for

Posted by Staff
After dishing the goods on Ratchet & Clank, SOCOM: Confrontation and Pain, SPOnG thought we were all Gamers Day-ed out. Then we saw the PS3 Heavenly Sword trailer below which came from the event, thought about our chat with the game's creator, Tameem Antonaides, and decided that couldn't possibly be the case.

Antonaides told SPOnG that the premise is, quite simply, “Sexy Redhead. Huge Sword. Next-gen!” 'Nuff said, we reckon. Except for the fact that it features a kung-fu-based combat system that, if Antonaides is telling the truth, should be stunningly unique. And Lord of the Rings' Andy Serkis is in it. Oh, and...

Actually, just have a look at SPOnG's interview with Antonaides and see for yourself. After you're done, you can keep up to date with all the latest Heavenly Sword news and assets on SPOnG's dedicated game page.



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