Gerald Butler And Crank Creators For Game Movie

King Leonidas leads off futuristic thriller...

Posted by Staff
Gerald Butler is off fighting Persians. But enjoy the picture anyway.
Gerald Butler is off fighting Persians. But enjoy the picture anyway.
Crank writers Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are teaming up with 300 star Gerald Butler to bring us a video game-based movie called (please just for now) Game.

The movie, which starts filming next January, will be written and directed by Neveldine and Taylor, and according to Variety magazine, is a "high-concept futuristic thriller".

Plot? You want plot, okay: "This latest pic is set in a dystopian future of implanted nano-devices, where the ultimate online simulation environment is humans remote-controlling other humans in mass-scale, multiplayer online gaming. The lead character, played by Butler, is a worldwide sensation, and the top-ranked warrior in a game called Slayers. With his every move tracked by millions, he battles to regain his identity and bring down the entire system", says Variety.

So, World Of Warcraft meets The Matrix with cutting from Crank and shouting from 300. Sounds like a winner. What we want to know, however, is when SPOnG favourite, Jason Statham will be 'attached'.

Your thoughts on Game to the forum please.


tyrion 17 May 2007 17:31
Sounds more like a new take on Rollerball to me.
Crolla 17 May 2007 19:24
That's not Gerard Butler in that picture by the way
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Bob Fossil 18 May 2007 07:30
What's the f**king deal with Jason Statham? Did I miss a meeting?
RiseFromYourGrave 18 May 2007 09:07
yeah he's off fighting persians in his gruds whilst that scene is happening
TimSpong 18 May 2007 10:40
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
yeah he's off fighting persians in his gruds whilst that scene is happening

Sorry, I wasn't really looking at the background dude. OK, I'll change the caption. But the picture is staying.
TimSpong 18 May 2007 10:46
Bob Fossil wrote:
What's the f**king deal with Jason Statham? Did I miss a meeting?

Bob, you were probably too busy running the zoo. Therefore you missed several Statham 'meetings'.

Here's one you might like to revist: Hitman the Movie: Where the Hell is Statham?

In this case he was even the star of Crank. He's also much more fun to watch than Gerald "Shouter" Butler. For gods' sakes even his name "Jason Statham" - which sounds like a hard as nails Argonaut bouncer - is a better name than "Gerald Butler", which sounds like an effete, well... butler.

RiseFromYourGrave 18 May 2007 19:44
yeah, boobs.
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