Skype For Games

Asking developers for content

Posted by Staff
Casual games are now the way into new markets for the eBay owned IP telephony provider, Skype which is now offering a Cas-Gamer channel.

According to Develop magazine, Skype - in combination with its game developer, Easybits, is asking other devs and content providers to contribute new games using its Skype Game Developer Program and free GameXN Developer Kit.

Bear in mind that his is a casual gaming channel, along the lines of Microsoft's MSN Games service, so don't go expecting a new Splinter Cell or GRAW to pop up while you're phoning the holiday romance you met in Perth least year.

Director of the Skype Developer Program, Paul Amery, comments, "“People are increasingly using Skype to interact with one another, with many choosing to play simple games like checkers or backgammon. However, the tremendous size of Skype’s user-base makes it an ideal environment for multi-player and community-based games in which people can play against or collaborate with one another."

Source: Develop


Joji 17 May 2007 20:40
How strange. I recently said something about how the DS and Skype would have been cool. This thing is a big surprise though.

Skype on 360 would work a treat too. Tying cheese games to it i'm not sure about though.
Joji 17 May 2007 20:40
How strange. I recently said something about how the DS and Skype would have been cool. This thing is a big surprise though.

Skype on 360 would work a treat too. Tying cheese games to it i'm not sure about though.
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