Sony Predicts 50 Billion Yen Loss This Year

Realistic outlook from senior Sony exec

Posted by Staff
Sony's Takao Yuhara: cheer up, mate.
Sony's Takao Yuhara: cheer up, mate.
Following yesterday's financial reports which for the Sony, Senior Vice President Takao Yuhara, has told reporters in Tokyo that the company's games division will will lose about ¥50-billion (£208 million) this fiscal year.

Speaking about the year ahead, Yuhara was up-front in his analysis, saying, "The main point is that the PS3 will still be producing operating losses."

From a gamer's perspective, however, there is good news when it comes to the way that Sony management sees the future of the console: it's all about the games. "What's most important is software. In every region, our software lineup will be strengthened", commented Yuhara.


majin dboy 17 May 2007 13:08
ahhhh, what makes me laugh about the media is the subtitle tricks it emloyes.

the picture above of mr Takao,is clearly not taken when he found out about the 50billion, but probably during a press confrence, when he went to pick up a pen or sumthing.
TimSpong 17 May 2007 13:14
majin dboy wrote:
ahhhh, what makes me laugh about the media is the subtitle tricks it emloyes.

the picture above of mr Takao,is clearly not taken when he found out about the 50billion, but probably during a press confrence, when he went to pick up a pen or sumthing.

Gosh darn it! My subtle attempt to manipulate your mind with fancy media tricks hasn't come off. Your time will come.

read more spong. read more spong. read more spong.
Dreadknux 17 May 2007 13:38
"the picture above of mr Takao,is clearly not taken when he found out about the 50billion, but probably during a press confrence, when he went to pick up a pen or sumthing."

It must have been one expensive pen then.
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