SPOnG is very much looking forward to patiently guiding a blob of mercury around some floating maze-puzzles in the sky next month using nothing more than a small white ‘form baton’.
No, we’ve not been at the ether jar again, honestly. We’re talking about Ignition’s rather wonderful port
Mercury Meltdown Revolution, which is finally out on 8th June.
Mercury Meltdown Revolution is exactly the type of game that Wii was made for. While versions of the game on PSP and PS2 were well-received, there was always just something a little niggly and annoying about the controls with those formats.
Not here. The control settings in the Wii version are spot on. Sure, the game can be incredibly frustrating – as with any good puzzler – but this time the frustration is
entirely due to the player’s own ineptness, not in any way associated with fiddly controls.
The game has 150-odd levels, which should be more than enough to keep Wii gamers happy through the summer. Oh, and let’s not forget that
Mario Strikers Charged is also out next month.
We’ll be bringing you full reviews of both in the coming weeks. Perhaps all is not so quiet on the Wii-stern front after all. (Wii-stern? – Ed)