SEGA News Shower: Ghost Squad on Wii

Arcade smash shooter developed by AM2

Posted by Staff
SEGA News Shower: Ghost Squad on Wii
SEGA’s arcade hit Ghost Squad (pictured), is being developed for the Nintendo Wii by SEGA’s AM2 arcade division, with players set to use the Wii Remote as a multi-purpose tool controlling the on-screen targeting of enemies, defusing bombs, and rescuing hostages.

Great news indeed, slightly tinged by the fact that we are going to have to wait until early 2008 to play it. But still, while our Wii languishes under the television like the 360 and PS3’s unwanted and unloved younger brother, it’s certainly good to know that SEGA intends to continue with its full support of Nintendo’s new gen wonder-toy.

So back to Ghost Squad. What is it? “Ghost Squad stands for the ‘Global Humanitarian-Operation and Special Tactics Squad’ (see why it was acronymed!). The game is set in a world overrun with terrorism and the Ghost Squad has been put together from the cream of domestic and foreign military and special operations forces.

Ghost Squad missions involve “tremendous stealth, executing extreme prejudice upon terrorist subjects, and leaving a target area with no trace of being there.”

Within a squad of four operatives, players will have to traverse three different mission locations, each containing multiple levels, with the possibility of unlocking over 25 high-powered weapons as they progress. Each level has a series of alternate routes, providing players with varying challenges as enemies ambush from unexpected and surprising hideouts. Weapon selection is varied across a wide range of weapon types from machine guns, sub-machine guns, pistols, sniper rifles, shotguns, and even crossbows.

Gary Knight, European Marketing Director, SEGA Europe Ltd, said, “Ghost Squad was a great success at the arcades because it provided players with instantly exciting gameplay, coupled alongside well thought out pace. The Wii version has mirrored this entirely and is a brilliant way to bring all the arcade excitement into gamers homes. Ghost Squad utilises the Wii Remote perfectly as a light gun, resulting in the game being a total blast.”


TigerUppercut 10 May 2007 19:25
F*ck my dog, this is great news. To me, and perhaps as many as 17 other people around the world. I remember the arcade coming out afer we first covered it, buying my GS Card from the vendor and then coming to an understanding. HARDEST ARCADE GAME EVER. Still a great blast though. Costs about a tenner to get upto speed which is a bit steep...

The game focusses on headshots, then breaks into puzzle which are against the clock. Lots of different routes to take and a lot of interaction with the environment. I believe Play2Win on Oxford Street still has the deluxe cab and cards.
Joji 14 May 2007 12:22
Great stuff. This and Time Crisis on Wii would be cool. With Resident Evil UC on the way, it should keep some happy.

Someone has to break the casual games mold and give something traditional back. Come on developers, don't be scared.

I just had a thought, why is it that when PSP and Wii are on a similar graphical tech wavelength, do developers choose PSP for development of certain games? Are they that scared that of the Wii controls, (which are optional) that they stick to traditional stuff on PSP?
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