Okay, so over on this side of the pond where we don't have to dress up in crash helmets in order to chase oval bladders around the place we've never heard of John Facenda. He is a now sadly deceased sports commentator. In fact, Stateside, he's apparently as famous as John Motson or Murray Walker in real life. In fact, he's so revered that his voice has been compared to that of God.
The NFL - the body that controls the helmet-wearing, stoppy-starty bladder-chasing sport - is being sued by 'the voice of God's" son (called not "the voice of Jesus" but somewhat more predictably, John Facenda Junior) for using his pa's vocal wonderfulness in a 22-minute TV show about the making of the
Madden video game franchise.
Despite U.S. Magistrate Judge Jacob P. Hart chucking out Facenda-minor's claim for invasion of privacy, the judge has allowed Junior to take the NFL to court for use of his dad's voice three times in the documentary. Paul Lauricella, lawyer for Facenda-the-younger puts the reason for the litigation on the line in such a tasteful manner that we just have to quote him:
"'He does not want to wake up one day hearing his father's voice advertising condoms."
According to the Associated Press, Facenda-the-less-elder has a 1-from-1 rating in him versus the law, having successfully sued Campbell Soup for using a sound-a-like of his pa to advertise its wares.