Wii Goes Pink: ‘Pimp My Console’

Perhaps we’ve eaten too much beetroot…

Posted by Staff
Wii Goes Pink: ‘Pimp My Console’
If you want a shiny pink Wii to match your lounge or gaming den’s colourings (no comment – Ed!) then fear not, as you can now get your Wii (or your PS3 or 360) given a tasty lick of paint.

The console-painting crew over at Colorware will, for example, give your dark and gloomy new black PS3 a lick of paint to brighten it up for summer, for a mere £50 ($99).

They offer 28 different colours for your console and controllers including candy pink (pictured), coffee and jade.

You can send in your own kit to get it ‘pimped oot’ (as Irvine Welsh would have it!) or just buy a new coloured console. It'll cost you $375 (£188) for a brand-new, colour-washed Wii, £525 (£263) for an Xbox 360 or $725 (£363, thanks to Sony's lower American pricing) for a PS3.


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