Beautiful Katamari: New Screens

Surreality gets a new shape: round

Posted by Staff
Namco Bandai has just released a handful of suitably surreal screens for the upcoming Beautiful Katamari Damacy. SPOnG has the visual feast below for you to peruse.

The publisher isn't letting up its PR barrage for the puzzler. The PS3 and 360 outings of the series were announced last week to much hurrah-ing from fans of bizarre puzzling goodness. That was quickly followed by the launch of the game's website, which tickled our eyeballs, even if we can't read a single character of the Japanese text.

The game sets the unique challenge of rolling up anything you can get your mitts on into giant balls of "stuff". It's expected to hit the US later this year in glorious 720p. Now cast your peepers at these screens and enjoy!


realvictory 24 Apr 2007 13:39
I think they could have made it a bit more beautiful, considering it's called "Beautiful."
Hypnotoad 24 Apr 2007 23:15
I must admit it looks just like the PS2 version, which isn't a bad thing by any means but maybe they could spruce it up a tad more...the new rez will be delicious though! Looking forward to this one for sure.
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