Guerilla Tactics To Get A Job In Games

And try to one-up the graduates?

Posted by Staff
A taxi driver writes: Bloody students - always got their hands out for something.
A taxi driver writes: Bloody students - always got their hands out for something.
Fact: the upcoming ‘Games Grads’ one-day career fairs in London and Manchester (April 24 and 26 respectively) are aimed at “universities running the most-respected computer and video games courses in the UK to attract hundreds of the finest work-ready graduates” to “to get in front of some of the industry’s leading game creators and developers”.

However, SPOnG reckons that if you actually work at the local chippy but have some great show-reels, design ideas, technical innovations, and some brass balls, then you might also like to show up. After all, the industry needs talent, and the Games Grads events need attendance.

Of course, if you actually are studying game design or somesuch degree course, if your lecturer hasn't already told you about the events, it's time to wake them up in the next tutorial.

According to organiser, Tandem Events, “The fairs have been designed to give students a unique opportunity to get in front of some of the industry’s leading game creators and developers. They will be able to find out what vacancies are available, as well as prove they can play a vital part in their teams of tomorrow.”

Games Grads is free to attend. Register at


Joji 2 Mar 2007 13:18
Indeed, it should be open to anyone, not just freeloader students.
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