We know you can't wait. We can't wait and millions of poster-makers can't wait even more - for the 'summer 2007' release of
Tomb Raider: Anniversary.
So, it's good news for all serious games-people who want to revel in the novelty of the latest incarnation of our favourite big-spirited grave robber, Lara Croft, that a brand new website has been unveiled to display her...erm..
the game in all its glory.
"The website hosts loads of exclusive material on the new game, including the latest news, artwork, screenshots, desktop wallpapers, trailers and links to the Tomb Raider online community," it says here. We've checked it out, and it's true.
Tomb Raider: Anniversary is set to be released on PS2, PSP and PC DVD in summer 2007.
New Trailer HereMPEG4 XviD (8.6MB)
Quicktime (6.4MB)
Windows Media (9.7MB)