A spokesman for Microsoft has finally returned comment on the
‘deluxe 120Gb black Xbox’ story we ran last week – the company has denied announcing such a unit.
Within this statement the company also laid out is plan for the year – which apparently sees no new 360-related hardware – and a claim that the 360 is more powerful than PlayStation 3. Microsoft told SPOnG that:
“What we have delivered is the most-powerful and affordable video game system on the planet today. And with games like Halo 3, Guitar Hero 2, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto 4, and Forza Motorsport 2, the story of the year on Xbox 360 is the games, not the hardware."
In terms of the PS3-launch dampening uber-360, the company told us:
"We haven't announced such a product."
So, Microsoft has not “announced” a black, HDMI-equipped, 120Gb Xbox 360. This, media-studying readers, is a marvellous example of the non-denial-denial (complete with a healthy dose of ‘plausible deniability’) and can be read in a number of ways:
“This black, HDMI-equipped 120Gb Xbox 360…”
1) …does exist but we haven’t announced it.
2) …does not exist which is why we haven’t announced it.
3) …did exist but we’ve decided to pull it following some idiot at some store in Austria or somewhere shooting his mouth off, goddammit.
4) …never existed but, hell, it’s not going to hurt if maybe some people in Austria (or somewhere) think it’s going to exist just prior to the PS3 launch!
Clever, ain’t it?