SPOnG *hearts*
Metal Slug. Unarguably, it's the benchmark in 2D platform-shooters. And we also *heart* SNK Playmore and Ignition Entertainment for bringing us
Metal Slug Anthology - the latest uber-collection of this classic franchise to both the Wii (out next month) and to the PSP (out today, go get!)
Check these latest screens just-in from the Wii version of the game. This ultimate arcade classic collection has been lovingly put together to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the much-loved franchise, which first saw the light of day on the NEOGEO MVS arcade system.
The latest must-own collection includes…(deep breath)
Metal Slug,
Metal Slug 2,
Metal Slug X,
Metal Slug 3,
Metal Slug 4,
Metal Slug 5 and now the eagerly anticipated
Metal Slug 6.
”The popularity of Metal Slug, whether it be on home console or Arcade is immense” says Peter Rollinson, Product Manager for Ignition Entertainment, “Utilising the unique control method of Wii, can only enhance the already well loved and familiar gameplay associated with the series”