New Hellboy Screens

Ron Perlman confirmed on voice-acting duties

Posted by Staff
Konami is being ridiculously prolific following its US-based Gamer's Day press event last week. Among other release news is a host of new screens from its upcoming Hellboy release on the 360, PS3 and PSP. Konami has also announced that Ron Perlman will reprise his role from the 2004 movie to voice Hellboy.

Perlman did a sterling job of portraying the character in the film but, unfortunately, was made-up to look like a giant action figure. From the looks of these screens, however, he won't be plagued by the same problem in the game.

Although Konami's quick to mention the film version of the character, SPOnG suggests that you also check out Mike Mignola's original comics series for a visually more stylish approach.

For more on Hellboy check out SPOnG's dedicated page.


sneakyduck 5 Feb 2007 12:24
I'm so glad it's based on the comics and not the film. Not that the film was bad - I loved Ron Perlman as Hellboy - it's just that it didn't really do the comics much justice.

Here's hoping it's better than that god-awful PS1 / PC title made by Cryo. I miss that £10.
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